Why Choose Courtesy Gas over our competitors?
Suppose you are switching from another propane supplier to Courtesy Gas, we’ll schedule an appointment to install one of our propane tanks at your location, conduct a system safety check, and notify your current supplier of your desire to switch so they can pick up their tank after we install ours.
What are the different tank options?
We offer several options, including leasing vs. buying your tank. Whether or not to go underground or above ground with the tank is up to you, too. Tank location & size of the tank needed depends upon the required gas safety specifications & the amount of gas usage, which we can determine when we provide your free, no-obligation estimate.
Customer-Owned Tank – If you already own the propane tank at your location, we can provide you with either Keep-Full or Will Call service, whichever you choose.
What are my delivery options?
Courtesy Gas offers free Keep-Full and Will Call Services.
With the Keep-Full Service, we will top off your tank every 3-4 months (provided past balances are paid). As a Keep-Full customer, we will provide same-day service at no charge if you run out. We do ask you to please let us know of any unusual usage or consumption increases, such as a generator or increased pool heater usage.
As a Will Call customer, you monitor your tank and call us when you need propane delivered. We’ll deliver as soon as possible or when we have other gas deliveries in your area. Call to find out the day we are in your area.
Do you offer payment options?
Courtesy Gas offers the following payment options:
Online Bill Pay – This is the most convenient payment method for our customers and ourselves. You can access to all your account information, including invoices, payments, etc. You can also add your credit card information for a one-time payment or save it to your account to charge when you choose (i.e., after delivery or monthly). This is a very securely encrypted payment method and encrypts your card information, so even we cannot see it!
Pay by Mail – If you prefer, you can conveniently mail your payment to our office in the envelope provided with your monthly statement.
Pay in Person – You are always welcome to stop by any of our locations to make a payment on your account.
Monthly Statements – Activity statements are mailed out at the beginning of each month for customers with balances. If you do not have a balance on your account, you will not receive a statement that month. To receive faster, you may also request your statements be sent electronically to your e-mail instead of through the mail.
What areas do you provide service in?
St. Augustine, FL
Hastings, FL
Palatka, FL & East Palatka, FL
Elkton, FL
Palm Coast, FL (limited to high-usage customers)
At what percentage should I call in for a delivery?
What happens if I run out of gas?
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